Unser Mond - Vollmond


Our moon - Full moon

A picture of our moon depicting our loyal companion in the full moon phase (99,8%).

The moon has always fascinated us humans with its unique landscape of craters and lunar seas. It's not only responsible for the tides but has also played an important role in shaping our culture and history for thousands of years. The diameter of the moon is 3,476 kilometers, making it the fifth-largest moon in our solar system. It orbits Earth at a distance of approximately 384,400 kilometers. However, every year the moon moves away from Earth by almost four centimeters, which causes an increase in the distance between the two.

Graz, Austria


ID: MN04 / P: 100


Sony A7 III, 600mm, f/7
1/100s, ISO150
STACK bright part: 45
STACK dark part: 15
Stacking in AutoStakkert
Sharpening with Registax
Blend in Photoshop
Final touch in Lightroom

