

It was never my intention to sell prints, but I stumbled upon an interesting opportunity. One day, I was contacted by a lawyer from New York regarding one of my pictures. Initially, I thought there was a legal issue, but to my surprise, he was interested in purchasing a print for his office. The picture was of a hut in Switzerland where he often spends his summers. Since then, I have produced prints for some relatives and friends and have integrated a small shop where one can directly buy selected images online.

Sizes of prints
shop - flower
shop - couch
Shop image
shop - flower
shop - couch
Shop image
shop - flower
shop - couch
Shop image
To the prints


Sebastian packing some gear

If you're interested in astrophotography and want to learn more, then you've come to the right place.

My workshops are designed to help you capture the perfect night sky photo. In a small group, we will cover everything from planning and execution to post-processing, and you'll also learn some essential tips and tricks. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced photographer with your own camera, there's a workshop for every level.

To the workshops

Your hut under the stars

Traunstein - Naturfreundehaus

Do you want your cabin, house, or your favorite spot to be photographed under the night sky? I can make that happen for you! Whether you need a single photo, a 360-degree panorama, a time-lapse, or a high-resolution image for a wall print, I can do it all. Let me know what you need, and I'll take care of it.

Sounds good...