If you have a valid reason for accessing my images and videos automatically, you can use my REST API. You can obtain all the necessary information about my images and videos through easy GET requests and without any authentication required.


The following GET request provides a list of all available videos and images with relevant information.

Request all available images / videos

GET https://sebastianknoll.net/photo/portfolio/list
    "Info": "List all medias (images and videos)",
    "Media": {
        "ID01": { ... },
        "ID02": { ... },
        "ID03": { ... },
        "ID04": { ... },


The below GET request fetches all the relevant details about a particular image or video. This covers fundamental information like the title, description (in English and German), location details, and recording techniques. Additionally, it provides information on internal and external references, potential shop products, and links to similar images and videos.

Details of a video or image

GET https://sebastianknoll.net/photo/portfolio/info/ID
    "id": "NZ14",
    "type": "image",
    "title": "M O U N T . T A R A N A K I",
    "description": "Mount Taranaki in the Egmont ...",
    "title_de": "M O U N T . T A R A N A K I",
    "description_de": "Mount Taranaki im Egmont ...",
    "date": "2022-10-22",
    "location": {
        "country": "New Zealand",
        "location": "Egmont National Park"
    "settings": {
        "camera": "Sony A7III",
        "iso": "3200",
        "exposure": "13",
        "focalLength": "20",
        "fStop": "2.8",
        "notes": null
    "tagCount": 2,
    "tags": [
    "priority": "100",
    "externalLink": null,
    "panoramaAvailable": false,
    "panorama": null,
    "url": "https:\/\/sebastianknoll.net\/photo\/portfolio\/NZ14",
    "url_view": "https:\/\/sebastianknoll.net\/photo\/view\/NZ14",
    "url_view_en": "https:\/\/sebastianknoll.net\/photo\/en\/view\/Mount-Tranaki",
    "url_view_de": "https:\/\/sebastianknoll.net\/photo\/de\/view\/Mount-Tranaki",
    "server": {
        "original": "not permitted",
        "high": "not permitted",
        "medium": "not permitted",
        "low": "not permitted",
        "micro": null
    "editing_notes": "not permitted",
    "instagram": null,
    "blog": null,
    "shop": {
        "url": null,
        "gtc": "https:\/\/sebastianknoll.net\/photo\/en\/gtc",
        "cheapest_product": { ... },
        "products": [{...}, {...}, ...  ]
    "google": null,
    "google_maps": null,
    "facebook": null,
    "similar": ["NZ60", "NZ38", "NZ47", "NZ16", "NZ15"]


All images and videos are tagged for easy filtering and access. Information about the number of images and videos associated with each tag is also available.

Request all available tags

GET https://sebastianknoll.net/photo/portfolio/tags
    "Architecture": {
        "tag": "Architecture",
        "description": "City, Architecture and buildings",
        "mediaCount": 4,
        "images": 1,
        "videos": 3
    "Astro": {
        "tag": "Astro",
        "description": "Astrophotography",
        "mediaCount": 32,
        "images": 24,
        "videos": 8

Filter media by tag

GET https://sebastianknoll.net/photo/portfolio/tag/astro
    "Info": "Medias (images and videos) with tag astro",
    "Media": {
        "ID01": { ... },
        "ID02": { ... },
        "ID03": { ... },
        "ID04": { ... },

Request a image or a video

Images and videos can be accessed using the requests below and are available in varying quality. The values 'high' for high quality, 'medium' for medium quality, and 'low' for low quality are available. For images, the 'micro' option is also available for minimal quality. Thereby, 'high' corresponds to an approximate resolution of 4k (3840x2160), 'medium' corresponds to an approximate resolution of Full HD (1920x1080), and 'low' corresponds to an approximate resolution of SD (720x480). The 'micro' option is used for a blurry preview until a better quality is loaded by the web browser only. The download request only provides the images/videos in medium quality ('medium', Full HD). For qualities above 'high' you are welcome to contact me at any time.

Request a Image

GET https://sebastianknoll.net/photo/media/ID/QUALITY/

QUALITY in {high, medium, low, micro}
GET https://sebastianknoll.net/photo/portfolio/NZ60/low

Request a Video

GET https://sebastianknoll.net/photo/media/ID/QUALITY

QUALITY in {high, medium, low}


GET https://sebastianknoll.net/photo/portfolio/download/ID