:: faq

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How can I connect to the Slider

The Slider opens a Hotspot to which you can connect with any Wifi capable gadget. After connecting to the Hotspot one can open the Web-frontend with which is very easy to control the Slider and set up a timelapse ....

Does the Slider work with my camera

Yes - Since the trigger mechanism is normed it also works for your camera.
+ The mount is also normed to the 'Arca Swiss' mount.

Can I control the Slider with my phone

Yes - The Slider can be controlled by any gadget which has a browser and can connect to a Wifi-Hotspot.

How do I trigger a/several photo(s)

The Slider supports the default intervalometer plug. So one just has to connect the camera with the Slider and define the interval / trigger a photo via the webpage.

What is the maximum sliding distance

The Slider moves along a normed Alu 20x40 V-groove profile which can be bought in any length. So any distance is possible. (One can also think of dividing a long profile into several subparts and connect them at the destination again.)

Is the rotation / pan limited

No - one can rotate / pan as long as he/she wants.

How can I smooth the exposure in my timelapse

I use, and can highly recommend, LRTimelapse*. A free version which adjusts exposure differences and jump just perfectly. With the Pro-Version one can also use it for 4k etc... videos.

How long does the battery last

Depending on your implementation (2 batteries or only one - and which batteries) one can achieve up to 6 hours. Keep in mind that the Slider software provides an intelligent mode where unused steppers get turned off which saves a lot of battery. There is also a dark-mode that sparely uses the LEDs resulting in saving some extra power.

So for a fully charged Slider a Timelapse with about 4h is for sure no problem.

Can the slider climb slopes

Small gradients are no problem at all. For steeper slopes, one can manually increase the stepper current (resulting in more stepper strength), and for very steep slopes one can attach a rope with a counterweight.

Can I travel/fly with the slider

The only critical parts are the batteries. So with adequate fertilization, you won't have any problems. To be on the safe side, just contact the airline.

How precise is the tracking

The Slider rotates exactly 360° per 23 h, 56 m and 4 s. And this is very precise.

One drawback is that the camera has to be balanced around the rotation axis since the motors are not too strong...

If tracking with large lenses and heavy equipment is your main intended use check out the Move Shoot Move* solution.

Do you ship to my country

Yes - I think so :D

Can I buy the Slider (finished / done)

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