


Since 2021 my hobby of photographing the night sky resulted in enough images to create a sub-website for them.

With a focus on user experience, I tried to implement a good-looking, lucid, and fast website for my images and videos. Thereby, a careful compromise between a fast page load and excellent media quality was made.


Camera Slider

A cheap, compact and simple DIY solution for panning and sliding an DSLR-/System-Camera.

Thereby an easy control via an Webpage is provided and settings for Timelapses etc. can be fast made.

since 2019


Since 2019 I am running and maintaining this Website. I try to implement many useful features like a diary, statistics for my car, my finances and countless more ...

Furthermore, I also try to essay new technologies and always have an eye on safely developing/implementing the systems.


Home Server

Since October 2019 my Raspberry Pi 4 is successfully used for a NAS system, a Webserver and an OpenVPN server. Thereby the NAS system provides us (me and relatives) a safe and redundant way to store our data and the OpenVPN server allows us to access these data all around the world.



For a graphical performance and error evaluation of an industrial system, I provide an appropriate website.

Thereby, one can import the data of the system into a database and visualize them with many useful graphs and stats in the frontend. Within many filters, it is also possible to define mathematical formulas and create profiles to store evaluation settings over several sessions.



Analyzed an existing system for performance drops and tried to accomplish better solutions by comparing/using alternative frameworks, code structures, and technologies.

In cooperation with: Porsche Informatik and TU Graz.

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Automation of a wood lathe by adaption with automatized slides and a computer-based controlling.

Additional stuff

Date Reference Description More
2021 MDLab Tutor Supervision and supporting students by creating their own CPU/Microcontroller using hardware description language (VHDL) ITI Graz
2021 CS1 / Systemdynamik Tutor Presentation and supervision of Matlab practicals IRT Graz
2020 MDLab Tutor Supervision and supporting students by creating their own CPU/Microcontroller using hardware description language (VHDL) ITI Graz
2020 CS1 / Systemdynamik Tutor Presentation and supervision of Matlab practicals IRT Graz
2019 Scholarship Merit-based scholarship 2019/20
2019 EnRicH Within the European Robotics Hackathon 2019 we as TEDUSAR (Student team of the TU Graz) essayed to autonomously explore and manipulate real radioactive sources. EnRicH
2019 2. Student mentoring Giving beginning students help in the first study phase. Mentoring TU Graz
2018 5th IRT-Award " Excellent students (grade "excellent (1)") will be honoured with a coffee cup with the institute's logo in the course of a special ceremony. " IRT Graz
2018 1. Student mentoring Giving beginning students help in the first study phase. Mentoring TU Graz
2018 Scholarship Merit-based scholarship 2018/19
2018 Bachelor-Thesis Analyzed an existing system for performance drops and tried to accomplish better solutions by comparing/using alternative frameworks, code structures, and technologies. More
2016 Scholarship Merit-based scholarship 2016/17
2016 TU Graz Racing Team Assist the electronic department of the TU Graz Racing Team. TU Graz Racing Team
2015 Final HTL Thesis Automation of a wood lathe by adaptation with automatized slides and a computer-based controlling. Project
2014 HTL voluntary work Giving school tours for interested parents and potential students. HTL Braunau
2013 Nicaragua Supplied local farmers with a self-sufficient lighting system in Nicaragua. HTL Braunau