M O U N T . T A R A N A K I

#Astro, #NewZealand

M O U N T . T A R A N A K I

(i) Deutsche Version nicht Verfügbar :/

Mount Taranaki in the Egmont National Park is one of the most unique volcanoes I have ever seen. The second highest point of the North Island can be found on the west coast and astonishes with beautiful colors and a lovely peak covered with snow. One of the most famous viewpoints is the Pouakai Circuit Reflective Tarn, with an admirable reflection of the landscape in a small pond.

So a perfect place for nightscape and a timelapse. In October, we should face excellent weather conditions and find an ideal day/night for this trip. The 2 hours hike from a small parking spot was relatively easy and most of the time within the forest. At 7:00 pm, we arrived at the pond, where already a bunch of people had secured their places for the sunset. After sunset, only two other people stayed to experience the night sky. Here we found gorgeous company and enjoyed the small talk. At around 10:30 pm, we started our way back to the parking spot as the closest hut (the Pouakai Hut) was already booked out...

Egmont National Park, New Zealand


ID: NZ14 / P: 100


Sony A7III, 20mm, f/2.8
13sec, ISO3200


Auszeichnungen & Referenzen

Honorable Mention - IPA 2023 - Image

Honorable Mention - IPA 2023

Bei den International Photography Awards 2023 erhielt mein Bild 'M O U N T . T A R A N A K I' die Auszeichnung 'Honorable Mention'.


Official Selection - IPA 2023 - Image

Official Selection - IPA 2023

Bei den International Photography Awards 2023 erhielt mein Bild 'M O U N T . T A R A N A K I' die Auszeichnung 'Official Selection' ('Offizielle Auswahl').


