Nächtliche Wächter: Die Milchstraße über dem Monument Valley

#Astro, #USA

Celestial Sentinels - The Milky Way Over Monument Valley

Monument Valley, located on the Arizona-Utah border, is renowned for its towering sandstone buttes and stunning desert landscapes. This iconic region has been featured in countless films and symbolizes the rugged beauty of the American Southwest.

Thus, Monument Valley became a highlight of our journey along the beautiful West Coast of America. Just before sunset, we searched for the perfect spot where the Milky Way would rise behind the iconic buttes. In August, thunderstorms are common, and we experienced them firsthand as large clouds rolled over the valley, bringing brief showers. However, there were moments when the sky cleared, giving us a chance to capture this stunning image of the Milky Way illuminating the famous rock formations of Monument Valley.

Monument Valley, United States


ID: US01 / P: 200


Sony A7 III a, 17mm, f/2.8
15s, ISO6200
FG (dawn): Single,
BG/MW (night): Stack of 5 images
Blend in PS/LR


Awards & References

Honorable Mention - ND Awards 2024 - Image

Honorable Mention - ND Awards 2024

At the 2024 Neutral Density Photography Awards, my image 'The Milky Way Over Monument Valley' received the title of 'Honorable Mention'.


PhotoPiller of the Day - Image

PhotoPiller of the Day

With my image of 'Celestial Sentinels', I could convince and was able to achieve the title 'PhotoPiller of the day'.


